“Economic Crisis and Academic Realignments.” Schrecker begins her analysis of
the economic changes/ challenges facing universities in the 1970s, when the
country experience its worst recession since the end of World War II. Although
the dire predictions of “universities going under” hardly came true, the growth
they had been experiencing previous to this economically tumultuous period
noticeably slowed. The causes of the slowdown were multifold, including
inflation, state contributions decreasing, and the federal government shifting
aid from institutions to individual students. These factors combined to prompt
universities to make numerous adjustments, many of which were not oriented
toward academic exceptionalism. Faculty job cuts, Schrecker notes, were
numerous, as was the raising of tuition prices so that fewer students could
afford college. At the same time, in order to attract those paying customers,
universities reoriented their marketing strategies towards providing amenities
and, in varying degrees, pleasing the student consumers through grade
inflation. Moreover, based on student demand, certain disciplines were, in
essence, squeezed out of importance (i.e. “traditional liberal arts” and the
humanities) as students looked for majors providing them with “practical”
skills. Through all of these changes, Schrecker argues, the curriculum in
higher education suffered, as did the faculty who delivered it. For example, when schools “scrambled to meet
demand” by “adding more vocationally oriented courses and staffing them with
contingent faculty members,” those faculty members held much less job security
and conferred a “more tenuous relationship” with the students.
second major point in this chapter is that universities, because of those
aforementioned changes and many others, have a “growing participation in the
market” which is “also reshaping the university’s other major activity:
research.” Based on the competitiveness of the university, as well as their own
personal drive, faculty researchers have been forced to operate within a more
and more constrained institutional setting. Not only is their operating budget
highly constrained, but also the nature of their work is often dictated by
market demands or legal requirements. Their research results produced within
these constraints not only has to be original, but it usually has to be
profitable in order to garner enough financial support for the project through
fruition, as well as to lure financial resources for their next endeavor. This
is especially true, Schrecker notes, for research that requires large infusions
of cash like the natural sciences; the humanities, on the other hand, pursues
research that “is less expensive and is usually supported by [the] institutions
in the form of sabbaticals and course releases.” One major factor in the
constraint that particularly natural scientists/ researchers feel is the fact
that research money largely comes from the federal government, which, since
World War II, has dispensed its money in a highly competitive process with very
particular strings attached. For the “big science” researchers that win federal
grants, their work is subject to many administrative and political requirements
and strictures; for individual researchers with “more modest, though not
necessarily less worth, projects,” they lost out to an even greater degree. Clearly
these (relatively recent) developments/ realities have dire consequences for
all university faculty and their academic freedom.
final major point Schrecker makes concerns the administrative infrastructure
that has inhabited universities as a result of those above developments. For
example, she states, the competition for higher enrollment, lobbying efforts
for state and federal aid, and application for innumerable research grants has
required additional staff to “handle the load.” In fact, she points out that at
many institutions (certainly including our own), administrative staff outnumber
the faculty population and administrative costs make up an ever-larger percent
of their operating budgets. In turn, those administrators have developed their
own professional organizations, created their own set of status hierarchies,
and continually increased their specialized knowledge so that they have
effectually entrenched their necessity to the university’s ever more corporatized
operation. However, Schrecker points out that it is still a question whether
academic administrators have expanded because they gained more power, or if
they gained more power because they expanded. Nevertheless, the robust
administrative apparatus is all but taken for granted at many universities
today. More consequentially in terms of academic freedom, those administrators
often demand a considerable amount of authority and flexibility in the work
they carry out. Thus, the formerly democratic decision-making processes at the
university were altered according to the two primary constituents of university
employees: faculty and staff. Although Schrecker notes survey data that shows
most employees believed shared governance worked well on their campus, my
impression is that the possibility for tension and conflict based on that
duality is omnipresent. Finally, Schrecker speculates as to whether divisions within the professoriate “may very well
be more of a threat to its traditional position within academe than the
corporatelike ventures of its business-oriented administrators.”
My questions
based on my reading of this article are:
these multifaceted developments, could their effects on universities ever be
un-done? Would the majority of people involved even want that reversion?
could potential divisions within the professoriate be resolved given the wide
variety of academic disciplines, and their highly diverse interests and
institutional constraints?
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