Monday, January 27, 2014

Introductions: Heather

Hello! It was great to meet you all last week. This will be the first seminar I've taken outside of my department, so I'm really looking forward to learning from everyone.

I'm Heather, and I'm an archaeology PhD student in the Department of Anthropology. I study Bronze Age (c. 2600-1900 BC) maritime exchange in the Persian/Arabian gulf and Indian Ocean. More specifically, I use evidence for marine shell exploitation and craft production to explore mobile communities in Eastern Arabia, and their role in interactions with the state level societies of Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley Civilization. I feel like my research bridges multiple gaps within archaeology, and I am also interested in how my dissertation can be relevant to work being done in other fields. I think that this seminar will really help me address what interdisciplinary research and innovation will mean for me, as well as for archaeology in general. More strategically, I'm hoping that this seminar will also help me write my NSF broader impacts statement in a meaningful way.

See you on Friday!

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