Bruce Hevly contributed “Reflections on Big Science and Big
History” (1992) as an afterword for the edited volume Big Science: The Growth of Large-Scale Research (P. Galison and
Bruce Hevly, eds.). As an associate professor in the Department of History at
the University of Washington, Dr. Hevly specializes in the history of science
and technology, with a particular focus on the field of physics. In this piece,
he identifies the major themes of Big
Science, a volume on the history of the phenomena with work contributed by
both historians and scientists. He frames this conclusion as a discussion of
collaboration and connections, not only between scientific institutions in
academia, but through a consideration of the relationships between these
institutions and their various members, funding organizations and agents,
governmental and military bodies, technological requirements and contributions,
and the very cultural contexts in which these scientists and institutions are
operating. He suggests that “placing big science in a broader context” (Hevly
1992, 357) is a necessary exercise for historians, one that requires
consideration of the various ways in which collaborations shape all involved
parties. Beyond this, Hevly indicates that big history itself is moving away
from traditional, individualistic practices, and that historians must consider
the role that collaboration plays in the creation and study of history.
Finally, Hevly concludes that the study of big science remains a relevant and
“vital issue for historical scholarship” (363).
Although it’s difficult to get a detailed grasp of what big
science is and how historians have confronted its study from just an afterword,
Hevly succinctly reintroduces the subject. Additionally, it is clear that he
does so through the perspective gained not only through the new scholarship contributed
by each chapter author(s), but through his years of expertise and
consideration. In fact, a reader confronting this chapter in isolation from the
rest of the volume us exposed to what are likely the main themes and questions
of volume, if not the data to support these interpretations, and certainly not
the detailed history of big science. Several points are brought up by Hevly in
his afterward that have implications outside of the history of big science,
however, and should be considered by members of any discipline (as well as
their historians).
It is clear from the piece that there is no single
definition of big science employed by the authors in this volume. Big science
is not strictly defined in the book, and Hevly maintains that it remains a “murky”
phrase (355). This difficultly in defining a term, both by the members of big
science institutions and experts on big science’s trajectory, brings up several
questions for discussion.
Are disciplines
easily identified and defined? Does the identification of a discipline require
a historical consideration? Do we ‘know it when we see it’?
Hevly identifies several major collaborations and
connections between big science and related fields and organizations. These
collaborations appear to be discussed in detail in the volume, but Hevly urges
historians to “adopt a skeptical attitude towards pat descriptions of the
relationships between science, government, industry, and technology… and the
characteristics of collaborative research” (357). Collaborations, and maybe
especially the collaborations between scientists and their sponsors, have very
real and practical outcomes, and can influence the very goals, methods, and
results of scientific inquiry. Key collaborations that are highlighted include:
science and technology, science and the military, science and engineering,
science and funding agencies, and scientists and the historians of science. He
suggests that histories that focus on the study of collaborations will greatly
increase our understanding of big science over time and across different
cultural, institutional, and national contexts of scientific research.
Is an explicit study
of the relationships between academic disciplines and various collaborative
groups a necessary part of ‘doing’ history? Should academics engage in these
studies as part of their own epistemological considerations?
Hevly concludes his afterward with several
points about the current state of the history of science as a field. He
suggests that collaborative history is perhaps the way of the future, and that
collaboration by histroians (in the model of big science) should be undertaken
as a specific strategy of scholarship. This type of research is necessary not
only as a tool for improving the field of history, but because no one,
including historians, is free of the broader context in which they conduct
their work, be it institutional, cultural, financial, or our larger habitus.
How do the types of collaborations discussed
in Hevly influence your own discipline?
What important
collaborative relationships are not discussed here?
Can scholars perform
research outside of the context/influence of the motives, goals, and values of
governments, funding agencies, and private institutions? Can we (or should we)
insist on a ‘pure ideal’ (and does this exist)?
How does Hevly’s
discussion relate to Wisconsin’s ‘Discovery to Product’ initiative?
Bruce Hevly, "Reflections on big science and big history," in Peter Galison and Bruce Hevly, eds., Big Science: The Growth of Large-Scale Research (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1992), pp. 355-363.
Bruce Hevly, "Reflections on big science and big history," in Peter Galison and Bruce Hevly, eds., Big Science: The Growth of Large-Scale Research (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1992), pp. 355-363.
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