This chapter from the Handbook of Science
and Technology Studies is shedding light on the trends how STS scholars have
dealt with the issue of location and space in scientific research. Furthermore,
authors urge to focus more on “how place has consequence for scientific
knowledge and practices, and why focus on geographic location and situated
materialities can enlarge our understanding of science in society.”
authors introduce four trends of answers how the place matters in STS chronologically,
1) positivist understanding that the place does not matter 2) laboratory ethnographers
who revealed the context specific construction of knowledge 3) historians and
sociologists of science who focused on how different knowledge regimes acquired
the legitimacy of knowledge in different material settings, and 4) actor
network theory (ANT) scholars who transcend the physical boundary of the place
by emphasizing the network of heterogeneous actors for the construction of
knowledge. Henke and Gieryn argue that the fourth wave is underestimating the
importance of the place setting in knowledge construction, thus insist academic
scholarship should develop the third wave more thoroughly to understand why and
how the place matters.
why people gather together and make complex of team in scientific research? The
role of place is not only limited as a geographical place with proper research
facilities. The complex of people and facilities, moreover, imbue the authority
to the knowledge, thereby constitute the scientific knowledge. For instance, particle
accelerator facility is a “trading zone” of high energy physicists to meet each
other and exchange their research data to construct the trust and authority of
their research. In this sense, research place is a cultural setting which demarcates
the reliable scientific research and inappropriate science. Scientific lab is
the place where the disorderness is reinterpreted as an ordered phenomenon,
public and private is separated, invisible things become visible, and
standardization of particular experimental technique take place. The structure
of scientific lab implies not only scientists’ relationship with
non-scientists, but also drastically represents the relationship among them.
For instance, the top floor of SLAC is for theoretical physicists while the
basement is for instrument shops. Laboratory architecture reveals the
disciplinary differences rather than the unity among them.
Several current STS challenge the authority of physical setting of research laboratory by presenting the empirical studies on the knowledge construction in various non-laboratory places. In other words, as Brian Wynne’s Cumbria sheep farmers’ case shows, the boundary between laboratory and field is getting blurred.
Several current STS challenge the authority of physical setting of research laboratory by presenting the empirical studies on the knowledge construction in various non-laboratory places. In other words, as Brian Wynne’s Cumbria sheep farmers’ case shows, the boundary between laboratory and field is getting blurred.
How much the importance of the ‘place’
is different depends on different scientific disciplines? For instance, the
meaning of laboratory for high energy physicists who need the large scale
infrastructure setting and for ecologist who should find their knowledge source
from out there nature must be different.
Why the laboratory should be
the place inside of research facility? In other words, if we assume that the
field is kind of laboratory, aren’t we able to extend the discussion on how the
material setting is interrelated with knowledge construction?
In other words, why lab is
opposite word of field? Denial of this dichotomy is not to weaken the authority
or importance of ‘the place’ but to broaden the discussion!
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