Apple article
Not a very critical article
The origin and development of WARF
Steenbock's patents and his changing ideas about
Controversy over whether researchers should be
applying for patents
Some believe that researchers applying for
patents can protect people from manufacturers
Others believe that information should not be
open to the public
What should these organizations like WARF look
like? Is it the ideal model?
Is WARF more passive or active?
If there was no WARF, there would be no WID
Kleinman article
Based on ethnography of a plant pathology
Came from an interest in university relations
and questions about boundaries between academic and commercial
Most people's approach was done by looking at
contracts and administering surveys
Addresses tension between openness and secrecy
Goal was to go into a laboratory to see what it
looks like - this lab was a good choice because the researcher did not have a
lot of contracts
Researcher wanted to give farmers access to her
Realized that a patent was necessary for
industry acceptance. Sometimes being the first to get on the market can be just
as important as having a patent
She asks important questions related to
Power - via sets of social structures
How patent research tools affect the patenting
Experimental use exemption - common law -
similar to fair use
Slaughter and Rhoades
This shift to academic capitalism is not an
abstraction but is rooted in evidence
Examines case in California and how the
different court decisions changed as academic capitalism evolved
Long-term look at patent policies at several
o splitting
of royalties
o who
these policies cover
o the
way university changes its rules and regulations
Claim to have theoretical intervention
Outline different strands - none have looked at
the university level (operation/policy)
Mertonian values have been abandoned
Critique - authors gloss over theories, but did
not come back to them throughout the article
In another Slaughter and Rhoades book, they look
at different countries and argue that those universities that are closer to the
market are advantaged.
The term "public" is debatable as it
relates to public service. We need to avoid making assumptions about what
"public" means
Science is not value free
Human characteristics of science: emotional,
boundary work, Mathew effect, dual ideology
These characteristics should be considered when
studying the pharmaceutical industry
Reasons to look at this article: introduce
concepts to like Mathew effect and boundary work
Science is a social field
Drug develop - few molecules are chosen, who is
going to bare the cost?
Much of this work does involve connections between
industry and universities; Morgridge was started with drug development in mind.
Knowledge brokers - include biotech firms and
Knowledge management - comes out of business field - different
kind of management than there would be in manufacturing
How does social accountability affect boundary
The ontological need for a molecule for the
pharmaceutical company vs. alternative medicines that don't necessarily have a
molecule to push through the pipeline.
Molecularizing traditional medicine in East Asia
to create a pipeline
Mathew effect does not align with the Mertonian
Standpoint Epistemology - we see the world
partially - Harding
Questions and more discussion
· Daniel explains how when he came to UW, CALS had
a lower status, but that seems to have changed with the introduction of
molecular biology and the move to academic capitalism—increasing
productivity of milk and bioenergy.
Did we find Slaughter and Rhoades argument
compelling? It's important to not generalize - they paint with a very broad
brush. How does their argument apply to public vs, private universities, east
coast vs. west coast universities, etc.
There is discussion of patents and how not all
patents are a single molecule, but a whole package (the process of identify
molecules, testing molecules, etc).
Social commonsense - graduate school is all
about socialization - what you're supposed to do and what you're not. There are
some overlaps between field, but also lots of differences - creates silos
Movement on campus to create an open-source
biology department
What are the alternative models from the ideal
models like WARF - alternative ways it could function
open-source biology is an alternative
o another
alternative - most patents don't make money - a number of universities are
getting funding from corporations and then giving the corporation the rights to
the intellectual property. This is instead of the getting funding from the
state, licensing the intellectual property, and then selling it.
is funding university research - good pr tool
o Would
those alternatives improve the power dynamic between faculty members?
What degree is faculty autonomy desirable? How
much autonomy are we talking about?
o Not
just freedom as they want, but having input into what decisions are made
Research topic - how patents relate to tenure?
We look at two documents that represent how the chancellor wants
to shake things up on campus
University needs to earn more money from
research - Daniel asks if this theme clear in the document
University is hoping to facilitate research for
more product
D2P model is based on a linear model
Key words from Slaughter & Rhoades brought up
like entrepreneurial and innovation - do these terms in the UW documents relate
to academic capitalism or something else?
Who is the audience of these documents? Shared
governance process - Chancellor would want this approved by all senates. It's
not clear if the chancellor could pass this without going through the process
and if she could pass some parts but not others
Will the graduate school process change as
students are being advised to go into industry instead of academy? Is there a
current trend of more people getting their masters and not sticking around for
their PhD?
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